Why God
So, We Need God as

Man has grown in his knowledge and his intelligentsia is able to dictate things at his control by inventing many things to make him much comfortable than he thought. When he is so intellectual who even able to invent many things in genetics too, why he needs God, what made him to search for God. As he ponders, into many inventions his own brain started attracting his attention , human brain ! As the design of human body demands the existence of a Designer.
When he is exploring his existence the anatomy his body opened his eyes that someone was responsible for his existence
The brain is made up of around 100 billion nerve cells. Each cell is connected to another10,000 cells. This means that, in total, we have around 1,000 trillion connections in our brains. These are ultimately responsible for who we are. Our brains control the decisions we make, the way we move, the way we feel. The functions of the brain keep the intricate organs of the body working in harmony and balance with each other. The human brain is truly remarkable! The four parts of the brain have different functions. For example, the cerebrum is responsible for thoughts, such as reasoning, planning, emotions, problem-solving, and perceptions. The cerebellum works to maintain balance, muscle tone, and gait. The brain stem is especially important since it deals with blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate. Finally, the limbic system controls hunger, thirst, memory, fear, and emotions. These different processes must work together.
The nervous system is a vast neural network that runs through the entire length of your body. It is extremely long and stretches an amazing 60,000 miles!! That’s actually more than twice the distance around the Earth! The nervous system is actually connected to every single part of the body by 43 nerve pairs. Of these, 12 pairs travel to and from the brain and 31 pairs travel from the spinal cord and there are nearly around 45 miles of nerves that run throughout our entire body, making it one a marvel that is truly inspiring!
That’s the way it is with the whole human body. Lungs and heart, nerves and muscles, all perform incredibly complicated tasks that depend on other incredibly complicated tasks, directed by your brain. No wonder the psalmist concluded that the human body speaks loud and clear of a wonderful Creator: The first man and woman could not just have happened just like tat or by evolution. The Bible affirms that God designed us in His image. He is the great genetic Engineering Intelligence who designed us and brought us into being in to living trinity in His image. So He breathed His breath in to him made him a living soul. “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Psalm 139:14). We don’t have to go far to find the “works” of God. The evidence right in our own bodies points to an infinitely skilful Designer. Consider the chances of a stomach, brain, heart, lungs, arteries, veins, kidneys, ears, eyes, and teeth all developing together and beginning to function
at the same moment in time. What is the most reasonable explanation for the design of the human body? “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness’ . . . . so God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:26, 27).
THE EVIDENCE for God is not confined to the design of our bodies; it’s also spread across the heavens.
In these simple words, “In the beginning God,” we find the answer to the mystery of life. The first doctrine recorded in the Bible is that there is a God; in fact, this first verse in the Bible tells us of His mighty act of creation. The animal fossils we discover, even those buried deepest in the geologic layers, represent creatures infinitely more complex than any arrowhead. So why not draw the obvious conclusion? Someone had to create them! The Bible suggests a logical answer to the question of origins: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Dr. Arthur Compton, Nobel Prize-winning physicist, commenting on this verse of Scripture, once said: “For myself, faith begins with a realization that a supreme intelligence brought the universe into being and created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith, for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence—an orderly, unfolding universe
testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered—‘In the beginning God.’” No wonder the psalmist concluded that the stars speak of a glorious Maker. “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard” (Psalm 19:1-3). What can we reasonably conclude by looking at the intricate design and vast size of the universe? “He [God] is before all things, and in Him all things consist” (Colossians 1:17). All creation boldly testifies: “God designed! God created!” From the perfect balance of proton and electron in the atom to the whirl of planets around the sun, we find evidence of a master plan, a Master Thinker, of God the Master Designer and the Infinite Creator.
Using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers can now precisely measure the distance of stars up to 10,000 light years away—10 times farther than previously possible. The Hubble Telescope, launched in 1990, is still sending back valuable data. Look up into the starry night sky. There are millions of stars and galaxies—all moving at incomprehensible speeds, perfectly balanced, perfectly synchronized in space—orbits within orbits, proceeding on track and on time. Who orchestrates this marvellous dance? Is it all just occurring without design or direction? That’s the way it is with the whole human body. Lungs and heart, nerves and muscles, all perform incredibly complicated tasks that
depend on other incredibly complicated tasks, directed by your brain. No wonder the psalmist concluded that the human body speaks loud and clear of a wonderful Creator: The first man and woman could not just have happened. The Bible affirms that God designed us in His image. He is the great genetic Engineering Intelligence who designed us and brought us into being. So He breathed His breath in to him made him a living soul. “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Psalm 139:14). We don’t have to go far to find the “works” of God. The evidence right in our own bodies points to an infinitely skillful Designer. Consider the chances of a stomach, brain, heart, lungs, arteries, veins, kidneys, ears, eyes, and teeth all developing together and beginning to function at the same moment in time. What is the most reasonable explanation for the design of the human body? “Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness’ . . . . so God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:26, 27).
THE GOD WHO designed the starry heavens, who created the universe, comes into personal relationships with people. Deep in the mind and heart of every individual, God has revealed a knowledge of His existence. He is “the true Light which gives light to every man” (John 1:9).
The Bible asserts that our Creator seeks personal relationships with us. Abraham “was called the friend of God” (James 2:23). “The Lord spoke to Moses . . . as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11). And
God will enter into a personal relationship with you and become your Friend. Jesus promised those who follow Him: “You are My friends” (John 15:14). About 2,500 years ago, a group of Greek philosophers discussed the question, “What is the briefest possible definition of man? ”Plato suggested: “Man is a two-legged animal.” Another philosopher, however, exposed this definition’s limitations by fetching a rooster. He held it up and said, “Behold Plato’s man!” They pondered in silence a few moments until one of the thinkers exclaimed, “I have it! Man is a religious animal.” That’s it in a nutshell. Humanity is incurably religious. We alone feel a sense of need for a Higher Power. All of us, whether atheistic or devout, have wrestled with the idea of God. You know there’s a bumper sticker that was doing the rounds in the 80s and then in in many parts of the US which said on the back they will as long as there are math tests there will always be prayer in schools. It’s true you can’t ban a student from praying when he’s looking at a question paper in an examinee knows he’s going to flunk it .You better believe he’s going to call out to God. You just can’t stop anybody in distress seeking superior to him as felt, with your rationalism. Many of you know the name of Richard Dawkins very noted, belligerent atheist went on a radio program on the BBC Live and he was dialoguing with one of the ministers of st. Paul’s Cathedral and he was as usual the Dawkins just very belligerent and hostile and verbose. The BBC interviewer/Vicar just kept listening and he said Richard you’re a very erudite scientist and which is just nodding you know he said your favourite book. The Origin of Species is right by Darwin he said right he said Richard can you name the full title of the book this happened live, and Dawkins said oh yeah, yeah. I know it’s I know it’s, it’s, it’s a much longer title than the oranges species. So, the vicar said go ahead go ahead, name it for me is it you what is the full title of the Origin of Species. I’m sure you could tell me that yes I could damn on the Origin of Species. It went on, that Richard Dawkins says the Origin of Species and, oh my God with on the Origin of Species. The ultimate proof of the sovereignty and omnipotence of God is that it even takes an atheist who doesn’t believe in him to call upon him to remind him of the title as a book
that helped him deny Him and the next morning’s newspaper of London said, it’s been a bad week for atheists. We’re distinguished from animals by our imagination and reason, and by our will to choose right or wrong. No animal ever builds an altar for worship. Yet everywhere you find men and women, you find them worshipping. Deep within every human heart is a desire to worship, a consciousness of God.
With such intimate fellowship with their creator, being given commandment, the man was given a chance to obey God and show love on Him, in simple terms the man was given something called as- FREE WILL, through which he could either obey or disobey God, where as entire creation does not have a chance to disobey God because it does not have a free will. So His humane creation have become son and daughter to God and they were given spirit or soul to exercise their conscience in them as in planted by the creator with His own breath. Now Satan appears on the scene. The Bible tells us that Eve looked at this tree and its fruit and was tempted to do exactly what God had told her not to do. Sound familiar? Yet Eve had a conscience she knew she was not allowed to touch that fruit. Satan now manifests himself as a serpent or speaks through the serpent. The serpent tempts Eve. “Did God really say…?”2 He contradicts God by saying “You will surely not die…”2 and then betrays God by saying “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God. Knowing good and evil”2
“I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself Sin entered The results of sin can be seen everywhere. The Bible tells us why, ‘By one man (Adam) sin entered into the world’ (Romans 5:12). Sin has plagued this old world ever since it made its appearance through Adam. This world is in a mess because man is a sinful being. ‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23). offered a solution that He has to come down to earth to offer Himself as atonement
Let us now define sin. Basically, sin is anything that separates us from the presence of God, as it did for Adam and Eve – just one seemingly insignificant act of disobedience was enough to do that for them. We should have been able to walk and talk with God in a perfect environment, but we can’t as sin is the cause. So, Adam had to admit that he is afraid of as his nakedness because of his disobedience which snapped the communication with his creator’s voice Gen 3:10 The Bible says that (compared to God’s perfect standard) all people are sinful, that there is no one that is good, not one3‘For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23) and realized of the consequence his act of disobedience For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life Romans 6:23
Since man has rejected God’s authority and God’s plan, he no longer has a purpose in life that makes him feel worthwhile man tries many things in his effort to meet his need for significance
Can man make remission for himself does he need someone, yes here lies remedy Without the Shedding of Blood There Is No Remission of Sins Heb 9:22 If not ! what is remedy ,remission How, through whom, when: are the quires revolving in human brain, peeping in his own soul for an answer and remedy ,that’s when exactly God proclaimed the deliverance by saying ‘’I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Gen 3:15.When human knows there I enmity because of his misdeed he knows pretty well that he is not afford loose again which qualify him for eternal existence of his choice.
REATOR So, when the remedy is there, someone who is infinite to become finite being to bridge this great gulf between God and man, task of mediation with sinless God and sinful man is inevitable. Then the God himself need to incarnate as a man without man’s involvement. That is where Jesus has entered this scene. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 1 Timothy 2:5 In God’s heaven and perfect creation, He cannot accept or allow anything that is not completely perfect, as white as snow, without blemish as the Bible says.
In the technical workshops that build space capsules we know that the assembly area is spotlessly clean and free of any kind of harmful dust or tissue. Likewise, when building the Hubble telescope the technicians could not accept even a miniscule blemish on any part of the glass lens otherwise it would be useless. No way can anyone enter those areas without being clothed with perfectly clean clothing and free of anything that may put at risk the purpose of those enterprises In a similar way God cannot accept anyone with sin into his heaven (His rule) unless we are clothed in righteousness – without sin. So, you ask, “Then it would be impossible to achieve, impossible to get to heaven?” By our own efforts, YES! This is where Christianity and other religions are vastly different. Most religions of the world basically believe and teach what we can do to reach God (whatever they conceive him to be). Christianity however will tell you what God has done for us so that we may be with him, always. That is only possible through Jesus who himself told that I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
“Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! John 1;29 God does not hate us because we have sin in our lives, in fact He loves us enough to make a way out for us. We are born into a ‘sinful world’.
That is why we need to seek God to be saved from the consequence of sin. So, the only way is JESUS the God in flesh on planet earth for lost mankind. Who is Jesus ; let us drill down the details : He is friend in need is friend indeed, Shepherd to lost sheep to be retrieved to guarded fold, Teacher to those lost in different school of thought who are in search of truth, and finally as king on planet earth for regained mankind whom He has bought with His own blood to be heirs of His Kingdom defeating the enemy in the Cross and resurrection and united the man kind with God.
Jesus is the epitome of revelutionary love, heavenly forgiveness and divne power ! His stint on earth was packed with miracles , the greatest of which His birth and resurrection The novelty of these events have surpassed the test of the time and burried every pall bearer who attempt to disapprove His divinity His miracles on earth were a speck in comparision of His ultimate mission, which He accomplished on the cross, in the grave and on the day of ressurection . The blood shed by Jesus is only the hope for forgiveness of our sins He conquered the death so that we may live eternally .
We donot have to earn His love and salvation its free gift avaialble John 3:16 to all who believe Jesus wants to have a personal realtionship with us, all that we have to do is receive in faith and come to Him in the way we are. CS Lewius, a great novelist says ‘’ the things He says are very different from what any other teacher ,guru or godmen have ever said in history. The others have said this is way you ought to go , and this is the truth about yourselves but Lord Jesus says ‘’ I am the way the truth and the life’’ and He says ‘’no man can ever reach absolute reality except through Me “ Come to Me everyone who carries heavy burden , I will set that right your sins are wiped out , I can do that which no one ever told that .I am the light and finally don’t be afraid because I have conquered The whole universe. Discover the truth and discover the true freedom in your only one life
It was really the ideas of Jesus, His teachings, and His example of selfless love; especially His sacrificial love shown on the cross– that are really important. ”proved Him as son of God, and is the flesh of
God on earth ‘’Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. John 1;14 Jesus answered, …..ye should have known my Father also. John 8:19 which proved undoubtedly, He is son of God When we speak of the Earth we will talk about the beautiful God-created physical planet we live on. The world on the other hand are the powers and principalities, the political, intellectual,and social environment in which we live. The first creation on Earth – Adam and Eve sadly failed God’s test and consigned the rest of mankind to toil and hardship in an imperfect world because they simply disobeyed a very simple rule and allowed sin to enter their lives and the lives of all their descendants. As an anti-dote contemplated by the creator for this poisonous world as indoctrinated by the enemy Satan, Jesus had to pay the price for regain the lost mankind on the cross of calvary .
He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was The Good shepherd gives H is LIFE for the sheep
wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. Jesus did not have to die on a Cross. He is fully sovereign and all-powerful. He could have chosen any number of ways to be killed that were less painful. Yet, He chose to be crucified – one of worst tortures in history. No one took His life from Him, He laid it down freely. Jesus specifically took a humiliating form of public punishment for you willingly. He did so for a reason. The complete and utter misery of the Cross is part of His message. It is His victory. The cross was an instrument of torture. It was a way to kill people with extreme prejudice. Crucifixion was a message from the oppressor to the oppressed. It was meant to make a point: “Don’t mess with the power of Rome( this world) or you will end up like this guy”. Death on a cross was designed to inflict as much pain as possible. Giant nails pounded through your body tend to do that. It is also not a short process, so they also hurt for a long time. Due to the position of the body on the cross, a person’s breathing was very difficult. Their upper body pressed upon their diaphragm making taking even one breath hard. So they could make their breathing easier by pulling themselves up by the nails driven through their body or they could slump down and slowly suffocate to death. If the pain were not enough, crucifixion was also designed to be publicly humiliating. It was used by the Romans to show their complete and total domination over people. The victim was stripped bare and publicly displayed hung up before his people to allow them to watch him slowly die. His agony was put on display for all to see.
Death on a cross was so horrible that Roman citizens were not allowed to be crucified. It was so repugnant that it wasn’t spoken of in polite circles. It was for slaves and barbarians only. Yet, this is the form of death chosen for the Son of God. Fully sovereign, all-powerful Jesus chose to take on this horrible death for us specifically. Jesus took the most painful and humiliating form of public punishment for each one of His sheep willingly. He did so to make a point. Did God allow Jesus his Son to be crucified because we are more important than Jesus? Of course not. He allowed him to be crucified because he wants a relationship with us. Remember that Jesus went to the cross willingly. The Father did not force him, but Jesus decided to do this for us. , He laid down His life willingly, as He made clear speaking about His life: “No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again” (John 10:18). Similarly, God is desiring that we will decide to respond to his love and serve him with our lives. You ask if God knew the cross would happen. God knows everything. You seem to think of what happened at the cross as a mistake, as if God’s plan was changed by Satan and God was defeated at the cross. That is absolutely wrong. The Bible describes how Jesus would come suffer and die for us according to God’s will. For example, consider Isaiah 53, which was written 750 years before Jesus was born, yet who describes how the Messiah would suffer and die to save God’s people from their sin. The cross was not a mistake. The cross was God reaching out in love to forgive us our sins. God lost nothing at the cross. Jesus is still at the Father’s right hand. God gained exactly what he wanted from the cross: a relationship with those who will repent and be regained in His relation-ship as new creation ‘’Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5;17
God the Son sacrificed Himself to God the Father and thereby fulfilled all the requirements of the Law. His death and suffering was not simply physical. He was paying the price of our sins, every one of that ever lived. ‘Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace’’; Ephesian 2:15 .Because the Son of God paid the price full for ever ,as no one else need to do any except believing Him in faith that He died for one’s sins risen again as conqueror as sin has no dominion over the new creation in Christ . The price paid, mission accomplished to declare the victory over the sting of death by sin.
After three days the string of the death was broken O death, O grave, where is thy sting? He will swallow up death in victory; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces; Isaiah 25:8 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Psalm 16:10.Jeus the God fulfilled the scriptures on His divine trip to creation earth in flesh of God “But now, Christ has been raised from the dead!”
Death Couldn’t Hold Him
The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23) but since Jesus never sinned, death could not keep Him so since Jesus was sinless, the grave couldn’t hold Him as it says “God raised him up, having loosed the pangs of
death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it” (Acts 2:24). Jesus apparently knew that death wouldn’t hold Him as He told the thief on the cross “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43). By the way, the Romans were professional killers and they knew without a doubt when someone had finally died on the cross because that was part of their job but to make sure, the Roman soldiers “came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water” (John 19:33-4) so Jesus was officially declared dead by the Roman soldiers. The greatest travesty of justice that has ever occurred in human history occurred when even the thief on the cross knew that Christ “has done nothing wrong” (Luke 23:41b) and even Pontius Pilate declared Him innocent (Luke 23:13)
Secular Historians
There are dozens of secular historians that wrote about Jesus’ crucifixion. For example, Flavius Josephus (AD 37c.100) was a profess- sional Romano-Jewish historian and he wrote “About this time appeared Jesus, a wise man…And when Pilate, at the denunciation of those that are foremost among us, had condemned Him to the cross, those who had first loved Him did not abandon Him (for He appeared to them alive again on the third day, the holy prophets having foretold this and countless other marvels about Him.) The tribe of Christians named after Him did not cease to this day.” (Jewish Antiquities; 18.3.3 §63). The historical writings of ancient, secular historians testify of Jesus’ resurrection including Lucian of Samosata, Cornelius Tacitus, Maimonides and amazingly, even the Jewish Sanhedrin corroborated the eyewitness accounts of early Christians. If Jesus wasn’t really crucified and died on the cross, this would be the greatest historical cover up in human history.
The Five Hundred Witnesses
Paul spoke of Jesus’ resurrection as being fact and never questioned the authenticity of it as he wrote that “he appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of whom are still alive, though some have fallen asleep” (1 Cor 15:6) and besides this, “he appeared to
James, then to all the apostles. How could five hundred eyewitnesses all lie about this? And hallucinate such a thing and all at the same time? The answer is they could not. Hundreds of eyewitnesses are recorded in Scripture, and we know that all Scripture is inspired by God (2 Pet 1:21; 2 Tim 3:16) and God wouldn’t get this most important of all facts wrong.
The Empty Tomb
The heavy stone that covered Jesus’ tomb wasn’t moved so that Jesus could get out; Even He could come out with stone remained unmoved but it was moved so that the eyewitnesses could get in and see the empty tomb and the folded grave clothing. The tomb in which Jesus was buried was discovered empty by a group of women on the Sunday following the crucifixion and then when the tomb was found empty, the chief priests and elders bribed the Roman guards to say His body had been stolen and to have them say “His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep” (Matt 28:13) which is ridiculous because the penalty for a Roman guard falling asleep on duty was death! Jacob Kremer is a New Testament critic and scholar who specialized in the study of the resurrection and he said “By far most exegetes hold firmly to the reliability of the biblical statements about the empty tomb” and he lists twenty-eight scholars to back up his fantastic claim.
As you believe in Him, Your shackles of bondage due to sin are broken, and you are on the road to eternity to take a call on your free will as offered by the creator the God. God the Jesus on the cross has crushed the sting of death which is haunting on us was the wages of the sin. Only thing you need to do is simply believe in Him.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is an indisputable, historical event that happened more than 2,000 years ago. Because it is true, our preaching is not useless, but powerful. Because it is true, our faith is not useless, but based on a real event in history. Because it is true, we are not false witnesses, but witnesses of the truth. Because it is true, then, we are not still in our sins, but rather we are forgiven forever. Because it is true,, then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have not perished, but alive forever. Because it is true, we are not hopeless, but rather we have a great, living hope. Because it is true, then, we as Christians are not a pitiable lot, but rather, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us, and we can be sure that neither death, nor life…nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of Jesus Christ. The 2016 movie, “Risen”, tells the story of a Roman Soldier, Clavius, who investigated the rumours of the resurrection of Jesus, to determine what had actually happened on that first Easter morning. Was this rumour of Jesus resurrection a myth, or an event that had actually occurred in space-time history? This movie itself was a fictional story; but, it illustrates a very important point- the events surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus were historically accurate, and could very well have been investigated by a Roman soldier, a member of the Sanhedrin, or you or me, for that matter. Christianity is by nature a historical religion. It stands or falls on certain historical principles- names, places, events- which can be tested, and can be proven to be
true by historical inquiry; and, the principles of faith that it teaches are all based on these historical events, not just on ideas or philosophies
When we get back human intelligentsia’s discoveries lead to search for superior to their community is question remained unanswered partly which can be inferred from the following extracts of the prominent scientists who lived on the planet earth gives an opportunity for our analogy on their deliberations on God , to take a call personally to choose free will as offered to us for our eternal destiny as none of these scientists would be accountable for your free will of your which decides your journey after life on the plant earth.
Is there a God? Stephen Hawking gives the definite answer to eternal question ➢ “Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God,” the trailblazing astronomer and leading Figuring figure Maria Mitchell wrote in the second half of the nineteenth century as she contemplated science, spirituality, and the human hunger for truth. ➢ Every great scientist in the century and a half since has been faced with this question, be it by personal restlessness or public demand. Einstein addressed it in answering a little girl’s question about whether scientists pray. ➢ Quantum theory originator Max Planck believed that “science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature [because] we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.” ➢ His fellow Nobel laureate and quantum theory founding father Niels Bohr defied the sentiment in his incisive distinction between subjective and objective reality, noting that religions have always addressed the former, while science addresses the latter, which is measurable and therefore knowable. ➢ Wolfgang Pauli, whose ground-breaking scientific ideas were greatly influenced by Bohr’s, concluded that the effort to reconcile science and religion “will always be full of pitfalls and one can fall down on both sides.” It takes a mind of rare courage and insight to address this abiding question without falling into the most pernicious trap of all — that of artificial compatibilism; to take a lucid
stance without fright of offense, then to explain the basis of that stance thoughtfully and sensitively, systematically dismantling every reflexive argument against it. ➢ That is what Stephen Hawking (January 8, 1942–March 14, 2018) does in his final book, Brief answers to the big Questions- Stephen Hawking Foundation the Motor Neurone Disease Association — opens with the question that has bellowed in humanity’s chest since science first confronted superstition: Is there a God? Hawking , whom many consider the greatest scientist since Einstein and whose residual stardust was interred between Darwin’s and Newton’s in Westminster Abbey, enlists his disarming deadpan humour in placing the query in a personal context, then uses the fulcrum of his magnificent mind to pivot into the serious answer to the universal question: A statement of such self-introspection within, will definitely make others to inculcate a thought process to find out the destiny one’s life journey towards eternity as life is not end once we leave the planet earth. ‘’For centuries, it was believed that disabled people like me were living under a curse that was inflicted by God. Well, I suppose it’s possible that I’ve upset someone up there, but I prefer to think that everything can be explained another way, by the laws of nature. If you believe in science, like I do, you believe that there are certain laws that are always obeyed. If you like, you can say the laws are the work of God, but that is more a definition of God than a proof of his existence.’’ Which definitely rationalizes who ever knows about Stephen Hawking what made him to evaluate his life like that would definitely leave space in ones’ mind to look for truth which is the essence of human relation with his creator .
Hawking concludes with his most direct, personal answer to the universal question: ‘’ It’s my view that the simplest explanation is that there is no God. No one created the universe, and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realisation: there is probably no heaven and afterlife either. I think belief in an afterlife is just wishful thinking. There is no reliable evidence for it, and it flies in the face of everything we know in science. I think that when we die we return to dust. which correlates with verse in bible in Ecclesiastes 12;7 Then shall the adust return to the earth as it was: and the bspirit shall return unto God who cgave it. Based on his conclusive way he expresses the inherent attribute implanted by his creator to think about the creator in his subconscious mind but, we find that Stephen Hawkins failed to exercise his free-will and lost himself forever without finding his saviour. But there’s a sense in which we live on, in our influence, and in our genes that we pass on to our children. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe, and for that I am extremely grateful. Grateful to whom is the query opens the search for eternity if one wishes as God never forces anybody. One could define God as the embodiment of the laws of nature. However, this is not what most people would think of as God. They mean a human-like being, with whom one can have a personal relationship. When you look at the vast size of the universe, and how insignificant and accidental human life is in it, that seems most implausible. Despite the complexity and variety of the universe, it turns out that to make one you need just three ingredients. Let’s imagine that we could list them in some kind of cosmic cookbook. So what are the three ingredients we need to cook up a universe? The first is matter — stuff that has mass. Matter is all around us, in the ground beneath our feet and out in space. Dust, rock, ice, liquids. Vast clouds of gas,
massive spirals of stars, each containing billions of suns, stretching away for incredible distances. The second thing you need is energy. Even if you’ve never thought about it, we all know what energy is. Something we encounter every day. Look up at the Sun and you can feel it on your face: energy produced by a star ninety-three million miles away. Energy permeates the universe, driving the processes that keep it a dynamic, endlessly changing place. So, we have matter, and we have energy. The third thing we need to build a universe is space. Lots of space. You can call the universe many things-awesome, beautiful, violent-but one thing you can’t call it is cramped. Wherever we look we see space, more space and even more space. Stretching in all directions. The instinctual question is where all the matter, energy, and space came from — a question we hadn’t been able to answer with more than mythological cosmogonies until the early twentieth century, when Einstein demonstrated that mass is a form of energy and energy a form of mass in what the best-known equation in the history of the world is now: E=mc2. When the Big Bang produced a massive amount of positive energy, it simultaneously produced the same amount of negative energy. In this way, the positive and the negative add up to zero, always. It’s another law of nature. How its created is query left answered lead for quest for superpower -what is it, who is it ? . So, what does this mean in our quest to find out if there is a God? It means that if the universe adds up to nothing, then you don’t need a God to create it. But the inference is not so ! The universe is the ultimate free lunch, how can it be , again quest for some thing ? Hawking explains: Since we know the universe itself was once very small- perhaps smaller than a proton-this means something quite remar- kable. It means the universe itself, in all its mind-boggling vastness and complexity, could simply have popped into existence
without violating the known laws of nature. From that moment on, vast amounts of energy were released as space itself expanded – a place to store all the negative energy needed to balance the books. But of course, the critical question is raised again: did God create the quantum laws that allowed the Big Bang to occur? In a nutshell, do we need a God to set it up so that the Big Bang could bang? I have no desire to offend anyone of faith, but I think science has a more compelling explanation than a divine creator which is the inconclusive ness on which no one ever could arrive conclusion, again lead to quest for something, where is the end ? In contrast let us look at story of noted scientist and atheist who found his destiny for eternity which goes like this. When we talk about the tempestuous relationship between science and religion, we can refer the case of Francis Collins. Early in his career, Collins was a successful gene-hunter, who helped identify genes associated with cystic fibrosis and other disorders. He went on to become one of the world’s most powerful scientists. Since 2009, he has directed the National Institutes of Health, which this year has a budget of over $40 billion. Before that he oversaw the Human Genome Project, one of history’s biggest research projects. Collins was an atheist until 1978, when he underwent a conversion experience while hiking in the mountains and became a devout Christian. In his 2006 bestselling book The Language of God, Collins declares that he sees no incompatibility between science and religion. Potential Research took place under leader then US President ,Bill Clinton. Ultimately it is found that entire human race is generated from a single couple that is nothing but Adam & Eve which bible emphatically put before the mankind. “The God of the Bible is also the God of the genome,” he wrote. “He can be worshipped in the cathedral or in the laboratory.” Collins just won the $1.3 million Templeton Prize, created in 1972 to promote reconciliation of science and spirituality. This news gives an excuse to post an interview from John Horgan the Vicar., carried out with Collins for National Geographic in 2006, a time when Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett and others were vigorously attacking religion.
The vicar John Horgan liked Collins, whom he found to be surprisingly unassuming for a man of such high stature. But he was disturbed by final exchanges, in which he revealed a fatalistic outlook on humanity’s future. Collins, it seems, has lots of faith in God but not much in humanity. A kind of reasoning motivates what is called the ontological argument – except instead of your perfect house, it serves as an argument for the existence of God, or a perfect being. The ontological argument says that if you can imagine a perfect being, it would be more perfect if it existed; therefore, it must exist. Ontological Argument defines likes this- The ontological argument claims that God exists because if he did not exist, he would not be the most perfect being, and if he were not the most perfect being, then he would not be God. What makes the ontological argument unique as an argument for God’s existence is that it is entirely a priori, or an argument from reasoning, and requires no empirical evidence about our world. So What? Arguments for God’s existence are important because throughout history, wars have been fought and friendships broken in the name of religion. God is central to many people’s moral and political values, yet the existence or nonexistence of God is often taken as an assumption rather than needing evidence itself. The ontological argument has been and continues to be one of the most debated and discussed arguments in the history of philosophy. It’s one that theists and atheists alike must confront and respond to if they are to back up their claims with solid reasoning and evidence. Many philosophers have attempted to amend and revise Anselm’s ontological argument in light of historical objections. Specifically, contemporary philosopher Alvin Plantinga offers an ontological argument that uses modal logic and the language of possibility
If you find the ontological argument convincing, consider wh.at you are committed to when using this reasoning. Does this mean your dream house exists, or does the ontological argument apply to God exclusively? Why ? If you find the ontological argument unconvincing, this does not mean you are committed to atheism. Several other arguments attempt to prove God’s existence, including Thomas Aquinas’ argument for God (the cosmological argument) and the argument from intelligent design (the teleological argument). Both of these uses empirical evidence from our world to argue for God. Keep in mind that when someone uses faulty reasoning as evidence for their view, this does not mean their conclusion must be false. The proof may not be compelling, but there may be a sound argument that leads to the same conclusion. You may find that even if you reject the reasoning of the ontological argument, you can be convinced of God’s existence in another way. If there is a God, would they be bound by the laws of physics ? I still believed in God (I am now an atheist) when I heard the following question at a seminar, first posed by Einstein, and was stunned by its elegance and depth: “If there is a God who created the entire universe and ALL of its laws of physics, does God follow God’s own laws? Or can God supersede his own laws, such as travelling faster than the speed of light and thus being able to be in two different places at the same time?” Could the answer help us prove whether or not God exists or is this where scientific empiricism and religious faith intersect, with NO true answer? As quoted by David Frost, 67, Los Angeles. The enormous power of the unconscious brain, a lot of things we do in our very day lives. To end this sort of deliberations and debates with so much scientific analysis ,our quest for eternity would culminate in finding the saviour of our soul which can die in Jesus the friend ,shepherd ,teacher and king in a simple solution just by believing Him we would reach our destiny for ever in eternity.
Think not what you should do for God – Accept what God has done for you Our ultimate goal (when we die) is to be in heaven with God – In the presence of our Creator God and all our loved ones. Death, spiritual death is separation from God. You either have a passport to heaven or you don’t. Our souls are eternal they continue to exist after our physical death – You will go somewhere when you die – either to be in God’s domain (heaven) or not.
1. MAN was separated from God by sin:
Are you happy living for yourself, getting the most toys, winning all the trophies, and then one day die, eternally separated from God? “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” –Roma 3:23
2.Man cannot save himself :
Or do you want a life full of purpose and hope? Christ has paid the price to make a way for you to come back to God. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8
3. Only JESUS can save:
God, the One who created you, has a purpose for your life and wants to give you a new beginning. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” – John 14:6
4.Repent and believe in JESUS:
If you are ready to admit that you believe in Jesus Christ, the God of second chances is waiting to give it to you. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”. – Acts 4:12 Finally, what should I do to be saved? Welcome the Lord Jesus Christ into your life & experience a divine transformation in you. Bible says: “If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9 Yet, you may say, “You don’t know what mistakes I’ve done. You don’t know the life I’ve lived. You don’t know the people I’ve hurt.” Maybe we don’t but know this Nothing you’ve done is beyond the mercy of God. If you get knocked down, all you have to do is get back up and believe in the promises of Lord Jesus! “As many as received Him, to them He gave to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.” -John 1:12
So, what are our passport requirements to enable us to enter and live forever in God’s heaven wherever it is located? Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to God the Father. The only way, He told us – not by our own efforts of doing worthy deeds. He was the one who walked with Adam and eve at the beginning. He is the one who God the Father sent as a man to Earth who lived and showed us who God is, died on a cross and rose again to overcome, defeat and will eventually eliminate death and Satan from the world. You simply need to believe in your heart, ask and accept Jesus into your life as Lord and saviour – as simple as that
The ticket for your eternal journey is fully paid , just simply believe in Him as your savior and Lord, surrender your precious life in His safe hands so that you are secured forever, option is yours, God never forces you to choose this way. it is up to you as both heaven and hell are so real.